experiential design

Dunes Camp

Dunes Camp - Sept 20,21,22

It’s time again to gather in the BayOcean sand dunes. We’ve been doing this since 2012. Ocean swimming, sit down dining, sunshade lounging and this year a sauna.

The land allows us to be very non-outdoor techy…. we can setup our tents in a shaded meadow, then walk away from all things plastic and REI branded. We can stroll around in summer garments holding a glass of rosé and swim like it’s our first time. Saturday night is a formal sit down dinner on a hand built driftwood table. Cocktails will be had. The moon will nearly full, so we can walk about without lights. There is no schedule, there are no events.

Things to know:

1) It is a 3 mile backpacking hike from your car to the campsite. There is no freshwater on the peninsula, bring as much as you can. Hike in Friday, sept 20th… hike out Sunday, 22th. If you are bicycle campers, this is your dream trip.

2) No dogs. It’s a wildlife sanctuary.

3) Bring a non-plastic table setting and glassware for Saturday nights dinner. Dinner attire if you so feel inclined.

4) Last time the ocean was quite warm, so plan on swimming.

5) If you can spare $30 to cover drink and food, venmo to @robby-bradbury

As we have limited seating, please note this is invite only, and keep us up to date if you cannot make it for some reason.

tor clausen

Bayocean County Park is on Tillamook Bay, an hour and a half west of Portland. After parking your car at the parking lot, pay for a days parking pass. Please use the map provided here as you walk, to confirm you are on the right path. The peninsula is large, our campsite is hidden. Most of the hour or so walk is on a closed road. The last 10 minutes is on trails.

This link has a google map with exact walking directions. There are only two turns on the hike. One off the road, onto a park trail headed toward the ocean, the next… at a large black plastic container, turn right. There is good cell coverage.

Google won’t draw the last mile of driving because of some construction…. just drive up to the bayocean county park parking lot and follow the red walking path on the google map to camp.

link to: DUNES MAP (on google)

tor clausen